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necessary) to be equally divided between the above named fifteen slaves and their increase at the time of distributing the same in equal proportions.

4th.  To rid my executors, hereinafter to be named, of troubles, I hereby empower and authorize them to pay to the Parent or Parents whatever money their infant, child or children may be entitled under this my last will and testament, taking from the said Parent or Parents a receipt for the same, which said receipt shall be Evidence in bar of the faithfull compliance of my executors, hereinafter to be named.

5th.  Having full faith and confidence in the capacity Honesty and Integrity of my friends and neighbors Anderson Edwards and Benjamin Hatcher, I do hereby constitute them my executors to carry into effect this my last will and testament and earnestly request them to act as such; and with equal earnestness request the worshipful Court of the county of Chesterfield to allow my said friends and executors to qualify without giving the security usually required in such cases.

My whole end and aim being to pay my just Debts, to liberate my slaves and to comply with the requirements of the Law, in such cases made and provided, I hereby constitute and appoint my said executors, Anderson Edwards and Benjamin Hatcher fully to comply with the

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-29 22:54:17