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Chief Quartermaster's Office,
Fort Monroe, Va., May 28th 1865.

Brig Genl N. M. Curtis
Chief of Staff Dep't of Va.
Richmond Va.

I have the honor to acknowledge, the receipt of a telegram, from the Major Gen'l Comd'g. directing me to pay Capt Brown, Sup't of Negro Affairs, for all Lumber, Corn, or other Materials; furnished me by that Dep't through Capt Brown. This officer sends me a statement of such Articles as were furnished me during the months of November, December, January, February and March last, amounting to $21094.12 which agrees with his Invoices to me for these months, but as this Property has been accounted for by me, as received, in each of the months named, on my Abstract of Property received from Officers, I would most respectfully state that it is impracticable for me now to pay for the
property, and account