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for the same by purchase.

Had I known that payment would be made for the property thus received, I would have accounted for it on the Abstract of purchases not paid for (Abstract D.) and given regular accounts on form 12. Qr. Mr. Regulations therefor which could be paid at any time; and by any officer of the Qr. Mr. Dep't.

I would respectfully request the further instructions of the Major Gen'l Comd'g in regard to this matter.

I have the honor to be General
Very Respectfully
Your Ob't Servant
Wm L. James
Col & Chief Qr. Mr.

P.S. I would respectfully state that the amount required by Capt Brown is $18.000. which I can transfer to that officer as A.Q.M. on an estimate approved by the Major Gen'l Comd'g.

Wm L James
Col & Chief Qr. Mr.