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Freedman's Court

At a very large and and respectable meeting of the Colored Citizen's of the County of Norfolk held pursuant to public notice at the Catherine Street Baptist Church Nov 13th 1865 called by the Local Superintendent Charles E- Johnson for the purpose of choosing a representative for the Freedman's Court Wm Keeling was appointed Chairman and T.L.R. Baker Secretary.

It was on motion Resolved


Calvin Pepper Esq be and is unanimously the choice of this Meeting as the Representative or the member of the Court for the Colored People of the County of Norfolk in the Freedman's Court for said County to be constituted and organized pursuant to the plan as recommended by Gen Howard Superintendent of the Freedman's Bureau and as set forth in the circular of Col. Brown Ass't Superintendent for the State of Virginia and that in the absence of equal rights before the Court's and Magistrate's acting under the Law's of the State we cordially approve of said recommendation and plan and of the action thus far had thereon for this County in the appointment by the Freedman's Bureau of Chas E Johnson to represent the Bureau in said Court and