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the dismissal of the libel and possession had, there could be, and there is not, any lawful authority in the U. States in any way to molest him in his possessions nor to the rents due him:  Lieut: Hawk, without knowing the facts (as he himself informed me) interfered in the case, and by so interfering gave to Capt: Wilder the pretext to hold on to Mr Anderson's property & rents.

It is just such cases as this - unquetionably unlawful interference and tedious, and annoying delays that under the people dissatisfied with the Freedmen's Bureau.  I say this in good spirit, and for the benefit of a portion of the War Department which seems to me to be necessary, and which, if purposely administered, will secure the hearty acquiescence & good will of the people.

The tenant of Wm A's lot owes him rent, & is ready to pay; but an order from Capt. W. forbids.  I trust I shall receive an order requiring the rent to be paid  

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-30 15:24:25