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Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Howard Hosp. and Orphan Asylum
Pt Rocks Va July 18th 1865

Col. O. Brown
Asst Comr St Va

   I send application for Med. Officer and Hospital Steward.  There are here about 230 colored persons here besides the detachment of 2d Pa H. Arty consisting of 59 men.  One hundred of them require medical attention more or less daily besides several of the detachment are sick.  This I  trust you know, is as much as one medical office can well attend to and all that one is ever required to  do in a general hospital.  I have also to compound and prepare all the medicine and other duties generally done by a hospital steward.  In addition to this the routine of business which is particularly heave upon the organization.  Now the farm requires considerable attention, and the repairs and other work much more.  My health not being good much is left undone that requires attention.
   If a Med. Officer is sent, it should be one familiar with diseases of women and children.  I was getting the property together to make an inventory.  I have no clerk of any value and make slow work.  I will however have the patients comfortable soon.  I will report the condition of things here as soon as am able.
Very Respty
Dr. N.C. Van Slyck U.S. Surg ULA
In Charge

Thu Capt. Bowen