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All money letters, and letters containing packages of clothing, &c., should be addressed to W.E. Whiting, 61 John Street, New York

Rev. Geo. Whipple,
Rev. M.E. Strieby,   Secs.
Lewis Tappan, Treas.
W.E. Whiting, Asst. Treas.

American Missionary Association,
No. 61 John Street
New York, July 26 1865

Col. O. Brown
Dear Sir
   We send you this day per "Creole" three bbls. two boxesand one keg, Clothing for your distribution among the Freedmen.  They are numbered 543, 477, 537, 544, 502, 474 Hoping you may receive them in safety I remain
Very Truly
W E Whiting
for Treasr

The Quartermaster here says  he has no Govt vessels for Richmond, so we send by private line.  We have not paid freight.  Very little clothing is reaching us as yet, but we asked for more in our last paper.
W.E. Whiting
Asst Treas.