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Petersburg July 13/65

Col. O. Brown
Ast. Com Refugees &c V.a.
I have the honor to report progress. The first two days I spent in getting posted. Have called on the principal Military Officers, who have rendered me all the attention I could desire. Every thing apears well from their representation. 
The general appeared surprised that any complaints have gone out. He claims perfection in his plans. 
The Planters appear cowed down with doubts & fears. They talk hard about the unemployed Negroes and represent that there are thousands loafing thieving &c. that ought at once to be provided with work or removed. 
in this city the Secesh spirit is so strong that a white teacher of Cold children has recently been expelled from boarding with a white lady because of the persecution she received from her Secesh neighbors. 
The abuses of the colored people have not been exagerated, but justified in part on the ground that the Planters have become so impoverished that they cannot employ 

Transcription Notes:
"Secesh" is an abbreviation of "Secessionist":