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Fort Monroe July 21/65.
Col. Brown A. Com. &c. 
Colonel, When at your Head Quarters about the 1st of the Month I was introduced to the Reporter of the N.Y. Tribune who requested of me a statement of how matters had been going on under Genl Ord. I promised him I would send him something of the kind to your care. I have done so pr mail and will be obliged if you will just see he has it. 
Please forward any letters to your care for the next two weeks, for me, to Boston to care of "Wilder & Co." I hope to get there in the course of a week or ten days. 
Capt. Flagg says he has got no instructions from you in regard to my rents & property about which he and I have asked your direction &c. Please post him up and 
Very much oblige your humble Sevt,
C.B. Wilder
Capt. & A.Q.M.