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Lacey, R.S. Capt Lands, Instructions regarding Lands Report of 23. Leases, Instructions regarding 155.162. Lee, Baker P. 164. Lee, R.D. 175. Leonard, Abraham F. 89. Levelling, Calvert 62. Levelling, Ella 62. Levelling, James 62. Levelling, Jane E. Mrs 62. Lowell, W. A. 161. Loyal, George Mr. 40.129 Lerdlow, Brig Genl 4. Lerdlow, John R. Mr 90. Lynch, William B. 59. Right page Manly, R.M. Chaplain 7.54. Manning, John Jr. 57. March, John W. 33. Martin, William H. 65. McSepine, James h. Dr. 109 McCandlish, Rebecca Mrs. 55. McLlevine, R.D. 213. Mchertter, W.A. Lient 195. McPhail, John 217. McPhail, John B. 217. McRea, Ann 145. Medler, Sallie E. 162. Merrell, U.S. Lieut Miles, Mayor Jent 5. Miner, Samuel H. 142. Miner, W.C. 142. Mitohell, J.F.J 130. Moore, John 91. Moore, John W. Moore, Mariam 145. Moore, Camella A. 89. Morse, W.R. Captian 190. Mott, Armistead Dr. 58. Murdanqh, James 100.207. Murray, Wromal M. 157. Murphy, Edward Lient 190. Mussen, Matthew J. 153. Mysiek, John D. 146.