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[[left margin]]
Maj. Genl. Howard.
Maj. White.
Maj. Elderkin.
Surg. De Lamater.
Col. Jordan.
N. Whitten.
[[/left margin]]

X.. 1st. Lieut. Newton Whitten, V.R.C, is hereby assigned to duty as A.S.A. Comr, in charge of the 3rd Div., 11th Sub. Dist. Va., (comprising the County of Mecklenburg) with his Head Quarters at Boydton, Va., relieving 2nd Lieut. A.R. Egbert, 21st U.S.I, from whom he will receive all books and papers relating to Bureau affairs in the above named Division.
Lieut. Whitten will report by letter to Capt. J. W. Jordan, V.R.C, Bvt. Lt. Col., U.S.V., S.A. Comr, 11th Sub. Dist, at Farmville, Va., for futher instructions.

[[left margin]]
Maj. Genl. Howard.
Maj. White.
Maj. Elderkin.
Surg. De Lamater.
Capt. Lacey.
A. Egbert.
[[/left margin]]

XI.. 2nd Lieut. A.R. Egbert, 21st U.S.I., is hereby assigned to duty as A.S.A. Comr,in charge of the 4th Div., 7th Sub. Dist. Va., (comprising the County of Franklin) with his Head Quarters at Rocky Mount, Va., relieving 1st Lieut: Newton Whitten, V.R.C.,from whom he will receive all books and papers relating to Bureau affairs in the above named Division.

Lieut. Egbert will report by letter to R.S. Lacey, Agent in charge 7th Sub. Dist., at Lynchburg, Va., for further instructions.

O Brown
Bvt. Brig. Genl. Vols.
Asst. Comr.


Bureau of Refugees, Freedment and Abandoned Lands,
Head Qrs Asst. Comr, Dist. of Va.,
Richmond, Va., December 31, 1867.

Special Order
No 135.

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Maj. Genl. Howard.
Col: Lee
J.B. McCarty.
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I..So far as any jurisdiction of this Bureau extends over it, the property of J.B. McCarty, consisting of a small tract of land, situated in Fairfax County, Va., is restored to him with all the rights and privileges of ownership, subject to the requirements of Par. 8, Cir. 15, Series 1865, War Dept., Bur. R.F. & A. Lands, and upon the following conditions, viz:
1st. The property will be restored to J.B. McCarty, upon the expiration of the lease to any third party, or parties, if any exists.
2nd That nothing in this order be construed as entitling him to compensation for damages to the property, or to rents which may have accrued.

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Maj. Remington.
S.C. Armstrong
Lt. Sherwood.
[[/left margin]]

II.. 1st Lieut. Geo. P. Sherwood, 42d U.S.I, will proceed to Norfolk and Fort Monroe, Va., for the purpose of inspecting property of this Bureau for which Bvt. Maj. J.H. Remington, V.R.C, Sub. A. Comr., and S.C. Armstrong, Agent, are responsible. This duty being performed, he will report, in person, to Bvt. Maj. Genl. I. M. Schofield, U.S.A., Comdg 1st Mil. Dist. Va., at Richmond, Va., in compliance with orders of Bvt. Maj: Genl Wm F. Barry, U.S.A. Comd'g Sub. Dist. of Fort Monroe, Va.,

O Brown
Bvt. Brig. Genl. Vols
Asst. Comr.

Transcription Notes:
As per TIPS instrcutions, for ease of readability, please minimize use of bracket notations. Do not indicate page starts or ends, underlining, etc. These have been removed. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-18 17:26:53 Fixed some typing mistakes