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They will also visit such localities as offer encouragement for the establishment and support of Schools, and immediately report the amount and character of the assistance necessary. As it is important to bring the greatest number possible under instruction, and as there is great delay and expense in securing teachers from abroad for rural localities, when persons of moderate attainments can be found in the neighborhood, who are competent and willing to teach in the elementary branches, and a suitable room can be rented for the School and the expense of the teachers' Board can be secured from the people, the Asst Superintendent will report the facts to this Office, when a fair Salary will be secured to the teacher, and the necessary text books furnished, as far as possible.
They will supply all teachers representing Charitable Associations and those whose Schools are in any way dependent upon the Bureau with Blank Form for their reports, and see that these reports are promptly and currently made. It will be the duty of the Assistant Superintendent to procure all possible information in regard to independent Schools for Freedman and to report the same. They will include in their Statistical report (Ed. Form. No 2.) all Colored Schools, by whomsoever 

taught, whether regularly reported to them or not, giving their estimate, from the least information they can obtain, of the number of Teachers, number of pupils and average attendance. It is desirable that they communicate freely with local friends of education in various parts of their Sub Districts, availing themselves of their voluntary assistance for obtaining reliable information more speedily, and for aiding them in the execution of their plans.
Assistant Superintendent will mark a personal inspection of all Schools in their Sub District as early as possible, making a special report in regard to each. This report will cover all points affecting the usefulness of the Schools, the qualification and success of each teacher, and any obstacles that may stand in the way of his or her usefulness.
III.  The stated reports required to be forwarded to the Asst. Commissioner are the following:
Ed. Form. No. 2 (Circ 5. Series 1869, War Deptmt. Bureau R.F. & A.L)
Ed. Form. No. 4 (Circ: Letter jan 14th 1868, War Deptmt. Bureau R.F. & A.L)
Ed. Form. A (Circ: 26 Series  1868, Head Quarters Asst. Commr. Bur. R.F. & A.L Distr. Va.)
These reports should be forwarded in time to reach this Office before the 10th of each month.