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IV. A report (Form 2 Q M. Dept) of all buildings or rooms rented for school or office purposes, will be forwarded direct to the Disbursing Officer on the 25th day of each month, this report to be certified as correct by the Asst Supt of Schools, and accompanied by the necessary Vouchers, receipted by the party to whom the account is payable. The certificate to the Vouchers will be left blank for the signature of the D.O. — Great care should be taken that no building or room is reported unless it has been actually occupied during the whole of the time for which it has been reported, or the account rendered.

The persons in charge of the different Schools should be instructed to give the Assistant Superintendent of Schools at least 15 days notice when any School is to be discontinuing so that the leases may be cancelled and the payment of rent stopped.

O Brown
Asst. Commissioner


Bureau Refugees Freedmen and A Lands
Head Quarters Asst. Comr. Distr. of Va
Richmond Va January 27th 1869

Circular Letter.

The Assistant Superintendents of Schools are informed, for their guidance in applications, that from decided limitation in the funds which were expected and necessary for any enlargement of the educational work in this District, no new obligations wither for rental or repairs, can be assumed by the Bureau.

By order of
the Assistant Commissioner
Garrick Mallery
Bvt. Col. U S.A.
A.A. Insp. General.

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Genl Howard
Capt. White
Surg. De Lamater
and each Asst. Supt. of Schools.
[[/left margin]]

Transcription Notes:
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