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Head Quarters Department of Virginia
Army of the James.
Richmond, Va. May 27th 1865


The Commanders of Districts and Sub Districts in this Department will make and forward to these Head Quarters for the information of the Major General Commanding, reports of the condition of each county in their respective Districts.  These reports will embrace an approximate list of the colored people, each set in four classes, as follows:

1st.  All under 12 years of age
2nd.  All over 12 years of age and under 55
3rd.  All over 55 years of age
4th.  Those of 2nd class incapable from any course of earning their own support. 

2nd.  The number of horses, mules, setts of harness, with the number and kind of agricultural implements required for issue to cultivate and secure the farm crops for the support of the destitute.

The report above called for need be only approximate, and can be obtained from county authorities

Transcription Notes:
"sets of harness" is misspelled as "setts of harness"... transcribed as written. last word is "authorities"... per SI, when a word is split between pages, the FULL WORD should be on both pages.