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City of Norfolk

192. That lot of land formerly owned by Richard H. Baker, situated in the city of Norfolk and State of Virginia, on the west side of Broush Street Building. No. 34.

193. That lot of land formerly owned by John De Bree, situated in the city of Norfolk and State of Virginia, on the North side of Main Street, bounded on the West by a land; on the North by land formerly owned by Charles S. Allemand; on the East by other lands of John De Bree.

194. One half of that lot of land formerly owned by John De Bree, situated in the city of Norfolk, and State of Virginia, on the east side of Fenchurch Street, beginning at the southwestern corner of the brick tenement on the said lot, and running north on said Fenchurch Street fifty-one (51) feet and four (4) inches to lot of William D Henly; then east to the fence of Sylvanus Hartshorn; then south along said Hartshorn line fifty-one (51) feet, four (4) inches; thence along the line of William D. Henly to the place of beginning.

195. That lot of land formerly owned by
John De Bree, situated in the city of Norfolk and State of Virginia, bounded on the West by a lane; on the North by the