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War Department,
Adjutant General's Office.
Washington, May 24th, 1866.

Special Orders
No. 245


4. Under the provisions of General Orders, No 155. October 26th, 1865 from this Office, Brevet Lieutenant Colonel James W. Powell, U.S. Volunteers, Captain, Veteran Reserve Corps, is hereby honorably mustered out of the service of the United States, to take effect Ma[[?]] 23rd, 1866. He will receive no final payments, until he shall have satisfied the Pay Department that he is not indebted to the United States.

By Order of the Secretary of War:
Sgd. E. D. Townsend
Assistant Adjutant General

Head Quarters Dept. of Virginia,
Richmond, Va, May 28th, 1866
Chas. H. Graves
Assistant Adjutant General

Official copy
transmitted May 30th 66
thro' Capt Stuart Barnes A.Q.M.