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Stratton, Thos. E.  Hosptl. Steward  44.

Turner, Thomas A.A. Surg.  51.
Taylor, Farm, Freedman's Hosp.  14.

Virgin, Mary  30.

Warner, J. E. A.A. Surg.  U.S.A.  16. 20. 25. 26. 44.
Wilkinson, Eliza  32.

Index to Circulars

[[3 columned table]]
| Number | Subject | Date issued |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Circular | Surgeons in charge of Bureau Hospitals, will accompany each ration return, with a list of all patients in Hosptl, giving names and age. | Jany. 30th, 1866.  Folio l. |

| Circular | Recommends economy in the use of wood in Hosptls, as the estimate of the Chief Q.M. and F.A. of the Bureau, for wood, does not admit of keeping up and considerable proportion of the number of fires, which have been kept during the winter. | May 5th, 1866  Folio 2. |

| Circular | Instructions relating to employment by Officers of the Bureau, of Private Physicians, for treatment of indigent Freedmen. | May 11th, 1866  Folio 7. |

| Circular | States that there is no probability of the discontinuance of the Bureau at present, notwithstanding rumors to that effect. Orders continuance of Hospitals. | May 19th, 1866  Folio 8. |

Transcription Notes:
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