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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and A. Lands
Office Chief Medical Officer State Va.
Richmond Va, May 9th 1866

The last weekly report from Hicksford Small Pox Hospital dated Aril 27th 1866 states that there are no patients suffering from that disease, all having recovered and no new cases, and adds there are two persons suffering from frost bitten feet.

If no cases of Small Pox have occurred since that date I advise that the Hospital be closed immediately and the employment of extra Medical aid be terminated as it is necessary to restrict the expenses of the Medical Department of the Bureau as much as possible.  In closing the Hospital, if the two men mentioned in the report are at the Small Pox Hospital, they should have their clothing entirely changed so as to prevent extending the Small Pox, and be then sent for treatment to the nearest Hospital of Bureau.  But it must be made certain that they are entirely free from the infection before going to Hospital.  In closing the Hospital, the building should be thoroughly disinfected and all clothing and bedding destroyed, which has been used with patients.

I am, with much respect
Your Obdt Servt
J. J. DeLamater Surg USV
Chf Med Off Bureau &c State Va

Capt. S. Barnes
Supt of Bureau