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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands,
Headquarters, Superintendent Fifth District, Va.
Fort Monroe, Va. September 13th 1866

Circular No 20.

The following is published in order to better and more clearly establish a system of reports to, and through this office, and if possible prevent in future the great difficulty heretofore experienced in getting prompt returns from Asst. Superintendents. Each report will be forwarded separately on a half or full sheet of paper, and in no case will the returns fail to be sent, even if there be nothing to report.

All reports called for in the following list, will be forwarded so as to be received at this office by the 28th day of each month, Asst. Supts: allowing for distances & irregularities of post routes.

Reports to the Office of the Superintendent
1st Roster of Officers, Enlisted Men and Civilians on duty
Gen: Ord: No 4 Par II dated HdQrs Asst. Comr State of Va July 27th 1865 (Form furnished)

2nd. Report of Freedmen in Camps, Colonies &c.
Cir. No 10. Par I dated War Dept. Bureau of R.F. & A.L. Washington D.C. July 11th 1865.

3rd Report of Schools
Genl Or No 4 Par II dated HdQrs: Asst. C omr. State Va July 17th 1865

4th Report of the number of unemployed Freedmen within their respective Sub Districts.
Cir. No 1. Hd.Qrs: Asst.  Comr State Va January  1st 1866.

5th Report of Lands (abandoned) in possession of the Bureau, within their respective Sub-districts
Cir No 19. Hd: Qrs Supt 5th Dist Va September 12th 1866. (Form furnished)