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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands,
Headquarters, Superintendent Fifth District, VA.
Fort Monroe, Va. 186

Circular No:18.

As the time is rapidly passing in which Freedmen have the privilege of creating "Homesteads" under the act of Congress contained in Circular No. 7. form "Hd Qrs Bureau R.F and A.L. at Washington D.C. Asst Supts will ascertain and report as soon as practicable the number who desire to avail themselves of its provisions.

The provisions of Circular No: 23. from the Hd Q'rs Asst Comr of the State, will be complied with as soon as possible, and report made to this office - It is desired that a thorough report upon the educational interests of his Sub-District, be made by each Asst Sup't - these are the greatest interests which it is possible to protect and encourage -

SC Armstrong
Supt 5' Dist Va:

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-10 22:51:07