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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands,
Headquarters Superintendent, Ninth District, Va.
Fort Monroe, Va., May 24th 1866

Circular No 10.

I. In accordance with instructions communications to the office of Asst Commissioner State of Va., will hereafter be addressed to "Bvt. Brig. Gen. O. Brown." omitting "Asst Comr" 

II. Asst. Supt's will as soon as practicable report the number of freedpeople in their counties belonging to other counties, who are able to earn a living and who are drawing rations from Govt., stating to what counties they belong.

Further they will, according to directions from the Asst Comr "offer such as are willing to go, transportation to the counties to which they formerly belonged, informing them that if work cannot be found in these places, they will be cared for by the Government. Notifying those who refuse to go, that no more rations will be furnished them. This order will not apply to the families of colored soldiers."

S C Armstrong
Supt 9th Dist Va.

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