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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, 
Headquarters Superintendent, Ninth District, Va.
Fort Monroe, Va., April 23rd 1866

Circular No. 6

The following reports named in Circular N. 4 from these Hd. Qrs. will hereafter be forwarded direct to Capt. [[T.G. Whytail?]] A.Q.M. in charge of Govt. property in Dist. No. 9 Va.,

2nd Report of persons hired, discharged &c
5th Return of Q.M. Stores and Return of Q.M. C.C. & G.E.
6th Return of Bureau Stores, & C.C. & G.E.
7th Return of funds received from fines contracts &c
8th Estimate of funds required &c

S.C. Armstrong
Supt 9th Dist Va.