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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands,
Headquarters Superintendent, Ninth District, Va.
Fort Monroe, Va., April 6th 1866

Circular No. 4
The following list of regular reports required from Assistant Superintendents is published in order that there may be no want of information regarding such reports, and that Assistant Superintendents may be called upon to make full and prompt returns in accordance therewith.

Reports to the office of the Superintendent:
1st  Roster of officers, enlisted men and civilians on duty Genl Order No. 4, Par II, dated Hd. Qrs. Asst. Com'r State of Va. July 27 1865 (Form furnished)

2d  Report of Persons, hired, discharged &c Genl. Order No. 1, Hd. Qrs. Supt 9th Dist Va. Sept 27, 1865. (Form furnished)

3d  Report of Freedmen in camps, colonies &c Cir. No. 70 Par I, dated War Dept Bureau R.F.& A.L. Washington D.C. July 11, 1865. (Form furnished)

4th  Report of Schools. Genl. Order No. 4,Par II, dated Hd. Qrs. Asst. Com'r State of Va. July 17, 1865 (Form enclosed)

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