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Bureau Refugees Freedmen &c
Office Superintendent, 10th Va District
Fredericksburg Va. 24th March 1866

Circular }
No 14 }

Assistant Superintendents of this District will at once communicate personally with the Board of Overseers of the Poor of the County through the President of the Board and obtain from them if possible clear and distinct answers upon the following points.
1st  Will the Board undertake to provide for the maintenance or assistance of destitute Colored persons having a settlement in their respective Counties in the same manner as is provided for destitute White persons.
2nd  What will be the extent and character of such maintenance or assistance.
3rd  If maintenance and assistance cannot be provided for all destitute Colored persons - for what proportion will the Board undertake to provide for.
4th  What rule of action does the Board propose for their own government on the whole subject of Colored Paupers.

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