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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c
Office Supt 10th Va. District.
Fredericksburg Va. January 25th 1866.

No. 5  In obedience to instructions from Head Quarters Asst. Commr Bureau of R.F. & A.L. Richmond. Va. of date January 2th 1866 - Captain W. H. H. Frye 11th Maine Vols is hereby relieved from duty as Asst Supt of Bureau of R.F. & A.L. for the Sub District of Northumberland and Lancaster Counties Va.

Capt Frye will turn over to his successor Lieut Edward W. Busby 3d Regt V.R.C. all Books, Records Papers and funds in his possession - the property of the Bureau  After which he will rejoin his Regiment.

James Johnson
Maj V.R.C. Supt 10th Va District

Col O. Brown Asst Commr &c

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