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Index to General Orders and Circulars

[[3 columned table]]
| Number | Subject | Date issued | 
| --- | --- | --- | 
| Circular No. 1. | Communications from Asst Supts., will be headed according to specified instructions - | April 6, 1866. | 
| Circular No. 2. | Notes changes in Special Orders, for purpose of correcting Office Records - | April 18, 1866. | 
| Circular No. 3. | Freedmen's Courts ordered to be adjourned until further orders - | May 12, 1866. | 
| Circular No. 4. | Asst. Supts. directed to renew their application to the clerks of County Courts, for information required by Cir. No. 15, C.S. Hd. Qrs. Asst. Com'r | June 1st 1866. | 
| G.O. No. 1. | Remington, J.H. Bvt. Maj. assumes charge of Shenandoah Division - Said Division subdivided &c - | June 28, 1866. | 
| Circular No. 1. | Asst. Supts. directed to be careful in the issue of rations &c - | July 12, 1866. | 

Transcription Notes:
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