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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen & A Lands
Head Qrs 9th Dist. Dept of the Potomac
Winchester, Va. Septr 9th 1866.

Special Orders
No 6.

I.  The following officers having reported to these Head Quarters, pursuant to S.O. 136. Current Series. H'd Quarters Asst. Commissioner, Dept of the Potomac, are hereby assigned to duty as follows:

Capt G. R. Chandler, Asst. Supt. Sub. District B, with office at Winchester, Va

Capt E. H. Ripley Asst. Supt. Sub. Dist C. with office at Front Royal Va.

Lieut A. F. Higgs, Asst. Supt. Sub. District A, with office at Harper's Ferry W. Va.

Lieut J.S.H. Hall, Asst. Supt. Sub. District D, with office at Woodstock, Va.

Act. Asst. Surgeon R. N. Atwood, U.S.A. Medical Officer of the District, with office at.

Transcription Notes:
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