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certain, as much other time as is reasonably at command, will be given to attendance upon proper cases of sick in quarters, giving preference at all times to the most pressing and needy cases. -

Records will be kept of medicines issued, with date, name and residence of patient.  These will be made so plain as to be self explaining, and ready at any time to be transferred to my Office for inspection.  The names of all persons receiving medical advice and treatment in Dispensary and quarters will be recorded, and all such cases will be borne on the weekly and monthly reports. -

Promptness is again directed in forwarding all reports. -

Medical Officers will not be expected to do any practice outside of their regular duties which will in any way conflict with the full discharge of their duties to the Bureau. -

By Order Bvt. Brig. Genl Brown
Assistant Commissioner.
(sgd) J.J. De Lamater.
Bvt Lt. Col. and Surg. in chf.
Bureau R.F and A Lands
- Dist. of Va -

Official Copy for 
Genl Brown Asst Com.
J.J. De Lamater
Bvt. Lt. Col. and Surg in chf
Bur R.F. and A.L.
- Dist. of Va.