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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, 
Headquarters, Superintendent Fifth District, Va. 
Fort Monroe, Va., Feb. 12th 1867

Circular No 1.
The attention of Asst. Supts is invited to the requirements of the Bureau "Officers Manual" in respect to "Book-Keeping and Official Correspondence." 

Books will be kept by each Asst. Supt. as named and described in Said manual, excepting where their being opened is impossible from want of entries to make. 

A transcript of the "Station Book" will be forwarded each month to these Hd-qrs. by Asst. Supts, and on the form herewith transmitted.

This report will be sent so as to reach this office by the 28th day of the month for which it is due.

S C Armstrong
Supt 5th Dist Va.

Hdqrs Asst. Comr Dept. Potomac
Richmond Va.