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Bureau of Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Lynchburg, Va. March 16th 1867
Special Orders No 9
I. Capt R.S. Lacey Supt 7th Dist Bureau RF&AL Dept Potomac will proceed to Liberty, Va in compliance with Circular No 5 from Bureau Hd Qrs dated Washington Feb 20th/67 The Quartermasters Dept will furnish transportation from Lynchburg to Liberty Va and return.
II Bvt Capt B.F. Shaum, VRC & Asst Supt will at once proceed to Pamplins Depot Appomattox Co. Va. in compliance with endorsement of the Asst Comr Dept Potomac dated Richmond Va March 14th 1867 The Quartermaster Department will furnish transportation from Lynchburg to Pamplins Depot, Va. and return
By order of
Col O.B. Wilcox 29th Infty USA
Comdg Dist of Lynchburg
signed R.S. Lacey
Capt & AAAG
The transportation specified in Par I will be retained to await reply of the Asst Comr