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Crystal Springs Nov. 8th 1867

Major S. S. Sumner

Your note of the (31). Oct. containing an order for me to report at your office in Jackson, was recieved this evening. The present condition of my family is [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] such That I cannot lieve them if I can be excused I will proceed to state the facts, to you Concerning the woman and her children In (1865) she left my (fathers) and took Her children with her, about the first of January, (66) she sent two of them Back, nearly naked, without saying Anny thing to my mother or, my self About it. I reported their case to the Court to have them aprenticed, the Judge, told me to notify Her of [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] it And she had anny objections let her Come forward, an make them. I went To Mrs Wades, in Hinds County where She was living at that time. told her my business. She said she was perfectly Willing for me to have the boy and My Mother, the (girl) She said that I could Have two more boys that She had with Her, and said she would send them To me the next week, and attempted To do so but Mrs. Wade. &c. sons stoped Them for they had them bound in A contract with her for that year But about two week after that she sent one of them to me anny how, and I had him apprenticed also, and in 

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