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NARA 20 To Maj'r. S.S. Sumner, Commanding Jackson "Miss." The bearer Jack Walker brought to me his contract with the Messrs Taylor for /66 to procure a settlement which he had failed to do. I notified said Taylor to appear before me and show cause why settlement was not made. Finding that on separating the amt. due Jack Walker from that claimed by his wife in her own right that it would be within my jurisdiction and getting no settlement with the parties named, I brought suit on Jack Walkers claim separate and apart from that of his wife Matilda and upon investigation of the matters before me - on trial - there proved to be a balance due said Jack Walker of Forty two 90/100 Dollars for which I gave judgement (with costs $5) in favour said Walker making $47.90/100 Dollars. Before proceeding to levy and make the money on the judgement - the said Taylors came to me and in the presence of Jack Walker pledged themselves that if Walker would withdraw the costs in the suit and settle it himself that they would pay him the $42 90/100 and the Ninety nine Dollars due his said wife during the season and that if they could not pay the money they would furnish him with Meat & Bread, clothing &c during the season as they would call for it. The proposition was acceeded to by said Walker and the payments were to be made through me. At sundry times articles were furnished me by said Taylors for Jack Walker for which I gave them receipts amounting to some Seventy four 40/100 Dollars (but they speak for themselves) leaving a bal. due Walker and wife of some $57 50/100 Interest to be added, for which amt. I have repeatedly applied to them for
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