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NARA 196


embraced by either of those orders, but that the controversy is alone cognizable before the civil authorities.

Pursuant to the Order obtained by said Pope and said Freedmen, a pretended Arbitration of this affair was had on Saturday 28th Decr 1867, by which the whole of said cotton was awarded to said Pope, and your petitioner left unprovided for in reference to his aforesaid claims. The Board of Arbitrators was composed of W S. Alsop, E A Crum, & Berry McNair, the first named arbitrator chosen by your petitioner, the second chosen by said Pope & said Freedmen, and the third selected by said two first named Arbitrators.— Your petitioner would not have gone into the arbitration, but for the pressure of the Military Order above referred to, and he feels that he has been greatly wronged and defrauded by the settlement made under that Order; that his rights have been disregarded, and that the Arbitration was unfair and collusive. E A Crum, one of the above named arbitrators is a son-in-law of said Pope, and therefore not

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