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NARA 211

Sheriffs Office, Raleigh Miss
January 2nd 1868.

To the Sub Asst Commissioner BRF. & AL.
Jackson Miss

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication relative to the case of DR Walsh vs JH Cantwell, stating that Cantwell had applied at your Office for advise and redress &c. and having heard the statements of the said Cantwell, advised him to apply to me for redress, and confidently expecting me to act in an impartial manner, and correct any wrong being done the laborer, and in reply permit me to return to you my thanks for the courtesy you have thus extended, and also to make this following statement.

To wit, In the early part of the year Walsh and J.H Cantwell, entered into contract, upon the following conditions To wit, Walsh was to furnish a place and a mule, and feed for said mule, and to receive half the crop raised by said Cantwell. The said Walsh also agreed to furnish provisions &c, to enable the said Cantwell to make his crop, taking a mortgage on the entire share of the said, Cantwell, to secure the payment for the same. At the expiration of the term of the service of said Cantwell, The said Walsh desired a settlement. The said Cantwell let the said Walsh have his portion of the crop [[strikethrough]] and also [[/strikethrough]] but refused to pay said Walsh out of any

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