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NARA 215

bread, it would on the other hand be a hardship, to prevent the man who furnished meat and bread to the man and his family while making his bread from making his money in the only way he had any faith in making it when furnishing the provisions, I am acquainted with all the circumstances, and believe it would have been a very difficult matter for the said Cantwell to have got provisions for his family last year, if the said Walsh had not put him on his place and furnished him the provisions and after taking an impartial view of the matter. I am clearly of the opinion that Walsh should have his remedy to foreclose his mortgage, and subject the corn, and cotton produced by said Cantwell and on which said Cantwell give the mortgage to sale to satisfy his claim for provisions, but before that you shall hear a full statement of the facts which I have endeavored to give to the best of my abilities, and if you think that I have not come to the proper conclusion about the case, I am willing to do or obey any order from you in regard to the matter. I would therefore ask an answer from you at the earliest moment possible.

Your Obt Servant
James J. Mangum Shff

[[note]] Raleigh Miss, January 4 1867
James Mangum Sheriff [[/note]]

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-18 21:39:39 appears to be writing near right margin which I cant make out? ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-18 23:23:40