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NARA 241

Utica Hinds County Miss
January 14th. 1868

Allen P. Huggins
Sub. Ass't. Comr. &c

Dear sir I have at last succeeded in having an arbitration in the case of Horace Beauchamp Col'd vs A. L. Weeks. Mr Weeks was gone to the upper part of the state in pursuit of some stolen mules that belonging to his Brother, When I rec'd your communication on his return I appointed a day for the trial Brock & Horace failed to appear I then set another day and sent Brock another citation when he and Horace B. appeared and chose their men and they the third man and proceeded to hear the case You will find their decision herewith

I think if Brock had been disposed to do his father in law Justice they could have settled it without so much trouble it is very evidence that Brock intends to hold the six bales of cotton through the freedman as his contract with Horrace gave him a lien on all Horace made untill he (Brock) was paid for the provisions, used by Horace & hands and Brock has sent of the other four bales to N.D. to pay his own debt and says Horace owes him more that the other two bales will pay Weeks went to live with Brock, is son in law to help him along with his crop furnished himself and assisted Brock in getting supplies and had an arbitration before which you will see from the report of this arbitration I am satisfied that Brock would not have made as much as he did if Weeks had not assisted him. The deputy Constable has the two bales of Cotton yet in possession, shall Weeks take

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