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old nations in the General Assembly. And we shall not have long to wait for the seating of the true representatives of China in China's place in the World Organization. That there may be personal friends among these representatives of a quarter of the world's people makes their coming the more exciting. 
I hated to leave you at the hospital this evening, but when Pauli came, I knew he would be bringing news of Big Paul, Marilyn and Susie and David, your most precious ones. Pauli is indeed a dear son, Marilyn, a model daughter-in-law and those children, miraculously unspoiled. On the desk before me is the family group you used as a Christmas card a few years ago (Heavens! Christmas will soon be here again!) and another photograph, sent with a bunch of rave clippings from Australia during your tour with Paul when you got race notices too. You are looking into Paul's face.
Some day, someone should write the epic of your love for Paul Robeson. With all your heart, with all your mind, with all your soul, as we are asked to love God, you have loved him. I have watched you sacrifice your health that his might be restored. You knew so well that in our day such compassionate genius as is his needed to heal festering scars and right grievous wrongs. You were triumphant when his recovery, achieved by doctors in London, Moscow and Berlin enabled you to return home to the comfortable house on Jumel Terrace, eventually to meet your adoring friends after five years sojourn abroad. You know, I believe, how everyone rejoiced with you.
The wonder is that despite the burden of complicated personal responsibilities you have never for a moment lost sight of the world. Even now fighting for your life at Beth Israel Hospital you envisage peace brought about by a vast nonviolent action in far off Vietnam. Bless you, beloved Essie, there is so much work to be done and you are such a marvelous colleague. Tomorrow morning I shall go out and get a sheaf of holly with its gay red berries to cheer you up. Good-night, Dear Heart, rest well, assured of my love, measureless and forever. 

Note: On Sunday I went to the hospital with an armful of holly thinking it wise to begin celebrating the Holidays a bit early. She smiled with her eyes, but she could no longer speak. It was her last day and early on Monday morning she left us in death, for her as for us all,


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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-09 16:24:47 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-09 17:27:07