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FREEDOMWAYS                           FIRST QUARTER 1968

many parts of white countries like Russia and North America, not to mention Europe itself, where the older exploitation still holds. But the knell had sounded faint and far, even there. In the lands of darker folk, however, no knell has sounded. Chinese, East Indians, Negroes, and South American Indians are by common consent for governance by white folk and economic subjection to them. To the furtherance of this highly profitable economic dictum has been brought every available resource of science and religion. This arises the astonishing doctrine of the natural inferiority of most men to the few, and the interpretation of "Christian brotherhood" as meaning anything that one of the "brothers" may at any time want it to mean.
  Like all world-schemes, however, this one is not quite completed. First of all, yellow Japan apparently escaped the cordon of this color bar. This is disconcerting and dangerous to white hegemony. If, of  course, Japan would join heart and soul with the whites against the rest of the yellows, browns, and blacks, well and good. There are even good-natured attempts to prove the Japanese "Aryan," provided they act "white." But blood is thick, and there are signs that Japan does not dream of a world governed mainly by white men. This is the "Yellow Peril," and it may be necessary, as the German Emperor and many white Americans think, to start a world crusade against this presumptuous nation which demands "white" treatment.
  Then, too, the Chinese have recently shown unexpected signs of independence and autonomy, which may possibly make it necessary to take them into account a few decades hence. As a result, the problem in Asia had resolved itself into a race for "spheres' of economic "influence," each provided with a more or less "open door" for business opportunity. This reduced the danger of open clash between European nations, and gives the yellow folk such chance for desperate unarmed resistance as was shown by China's repulse of the Six Nations of Bankers. There is still hope among some whites that conservative North Chine and the radical South may in time come to blows and allow actual white dominion.
  One thing, however, is certain: Africa is prostrate. There at least are few signs of self-consciousness that need at present be heeded. To be sure, Abyssinia must be wheedled, and in America and the West Indies Negros have attempted futile steps toward freedom; bust such steps have been pretty effectually stopped (save through