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A TIME TO LISTEN. . . A TIME TO ACT: VOICES FROM THE GHETTOS OF THE NATION'S CITIES. Washington, D. C.: U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. 133 pp. (A report of the United States Commission on Civil Rights in 1967 summarizing testimony given at hearings and open meetings of the Commission's State Advisory Committees.)

Toomer, Jean. CANE. Foreword by Waldo Frank. New York: University Place Press. $6.00. (This is a valuable, needed reprint of the late Negro writer [he died in 1967] Jean Toomer's famous book of sketches, short stories and poems first published in 1923 and long a collector's item.)

Treworgy, Mildred L. and Foreman, Paul B. NEGROES IN THE UNITED STATES: A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MATERIALS FOR SCHOOLS. With a supplement of recent materials on other American minority peoples. School Series No. 1, 1967. Office of the Director of Libraries, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pa. 16802. ix; 93 pp. $2.50 (paper). (Contains listings of books for elementary and secondary schools in biography, fiction, poetry, drama, music, art, race, folklore, history, desegregation, politics, reference tools and audio-visual sources.)

UMBRA: ANTHOLOGY 1967-1968. UMBRA, Box 374, Peter Stuyvesant Station, New York 10009. 70 pp. $1.00 (paper). (The Negro poetry magazine UMBRA published two numbers in 1963 with Tom Dent as editor. This anthology, edited by David Henderson, has the work of a lot of the young Negro poets. A real bargain.

Voegeli, V. Jacque. FREE BUT NOT EQUAL: THE MIDWEST AND THE NEGRO DURING THE CIVIL WAR. Chicago, Ill: University of Chicago Press. 215 pp. $5.95. (Voegeli is Assistant Professor of History at Vanderbilt University.)

Ward, Douglas Turner. HAPPY ENDING and DAY OF ABSENCE Dramatist Play Service, 440 Park Avenue South, New York 10016. $1.25 (paper). These two one-act plays by Ward had a long off-Broadway run and won the Vernon Rice award for the best off-Broadway writing. Ward, who also won an Obie for his acting in these plays, is now one of the of the three directors of the Negro Ensemble Company currently producing a series of plays about Negroes in New York City.)

Watters, Pat and Cleghorn, Reese. CLIMBING JACOB'S LADDER: THE ARRIVAL OF NEGROES IN SOUTHERN POLITICS. New York: Harcourt, Brace and World. $8.95. (A book about the 1962-64 Negro voter registration efforts of the national civil rights organizations and local groups directed by the Voter Education Project of the Southern Regional Council. The book accuses the federal government of failing to enforce voting rights and protect civil rights workers in the South in the 1960's. Thirteen workers were killed between 1962 and 1967. Watters is Information Director of the Southern Regional Council; Cleghorn is Associate Editor of the Atlanta Journal.)

Wiggins, Sam P. THE DESEGREGATION ERA IN HIGHER EDUCATION. Berkeley, Calif.: McCutchan Publishing Corp. xiv; 106 pp. $3.75.


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