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national movement to discredit Black and falsify history began at Columbia University "with the advent of John W. Burgess from Tennessee and William A. Dunning of New Jersey, as professors of Political Science and History." (Black Reconstruction by W. E. B. Du Bois.) They were both pro-slavery and anti-Black in thought. Burgess believed in Nordic supremacy and the right of the United States to impose its rule "upon civilized, or half civilized, or not fully civilized, races anywhere and everywhere in the world." 
 Dunning as professor of History was no less racist in thought, but perhaps not as honest. As a matter of fact the Columbia School of Historians and Social Investigators has issued sixteen studies of Reconstruction between 1895 and 1935 - all sympathetic to the South and its racism. The most recent racist professor of the Columbia Establishment is a psychologist, Henry E. Garrett, who has been desig-nated Professor Emeritus. He resigned at Columbia for 33 years from 1923 to 1956 when he retired. He has since written a book entitled How Classroom Desegregation Will Work in which he cites un-scientific data in an attempt to prove Black children are inferior to white children in intelligence, attitude and achievement. Just consider the thousands of students, now professors, educators and teachers, influenced by the racist philosophy of this professor and now working for its implementation. Can anyone wonder why in the two-hundred-year history of the Columbia Establishment there was never a course in Negro History? 
 Black parents want community control of their public schools in order to determine the destiny of their children. Community control has always flourished in white middle-class suburbs and in the white middle-class neighborhoods. Consequently, the children in these schools show a high performance in intelligence and reading tests. For example, the reading tests in twelve schools located in Riverdale, Bronx and Queens revealed fifth graders reading at ninth grade level. In addition, at Public School 6, at Madison Ave. and 81st Street, the "silk stocking" school, one-half of the fifth graders were "two years or more ahead of the grade level in reading." (New York Times, 12-23-66.) These schools are in neighborhoods where the parents would not tolerate a teaching staff who could not show results at the end of the school term.
 Black parents will not support a union whose hierarchy presents demands inimical to the interests of their children. The union's posi-tion on suspension, disruptive child, and preparation periods is meant to intimidate Black parents. Teachers intend to perpetuate their 