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FREEDOMWAYS                              THIRD QUARTER 1969

  Cohen, Tom. THREE WHO DARED. New York: Doubleday. $3.50. (This book for young people is about three young men who risked their lives in the civil rights movement: white Attorney Henry M. Aronson in the 1964 Summer Project in Mississippi; Negro John O'Neal helped form the Free Southern Theater in Mississippi; and white Eric Weinberger joined arms race protest action committee, then organized co-ops among black driven off southern plantations.)

  Cone James H. BLACK THEOLOGY & BLACK POWER. New York: Seabury Press. x + 165 pages. $2.95 (paperback original).
  Cross, Theodore L. BLACK CAPITALISM: STRATEGY FOR BUSINESS IN THE GHETTO. New York: Athencum Press. $8.95. (This books says the development of a black business and commercial class in the ghetto will eliminate the terrible economic conditions there. But the young author fails to understand that capitalism must exploit and impoverish some people for the benefit of others. It is impossible for all of the people to live well under a capitalist system. A Negro business class would exploit the other Negroes just as the white business class does.)
  Cruden, Robert. THE NEGRO IN RECONSTRUCTION. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall. ix + 182 pages. $5.95. (The author is Professor of History at Lewis & Clark College. He has written many articles and reviews relating to Reconstruction and Negro history and [[/Italic font]]]]James Ford Rhodes: The man, the Historian and His work.)]]
  Dalfiume, Richard M. DESEGREGSTION OF THE U.S. ARMED FORCES: FIGHTING ON TWO FRONTS 1939-1953. Columbia: University of Missouri Press. 252 pages. $6.00. (Other books on this subject are Lee Nichols's Breakthrough on the Color Front [1954] and Richard J. Stillman II's Inegration of the Negro in the U.S. Armed Forces [1968].)
  Egerton, John. STATE UNIVERSITIES AND BLACK AMERICANS: AN INQUIRY INTO DESEGREGATION AND EQUITY FOR NEGROES IN 100 PUBLIC UNIVERSITIES. Southern Education Foundation, 811 Cypress St., N.E., Atlanta, Ga, 30308. 96 pages. $1.00 (paper)
  EQUAL EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY. By the Editorial Board of the Harvard Educational Review, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. $5.95.
  Farrison, William Edward. WILLIAM WELLS BROWN: AUTHOR AND REFORMER. Chicago, Ill.: University of Chicago Press. xii + 482 pages. $12.50. (Farrison, the Negro author and long-time authority on Brown, has written many articles on this early Negro writer. This book is a volume in the Negro American Biographies and Autobiographies series edited by the Negro historian John Hope Franklin.)
  Feldman, Eugene P. R. BLACK POWER IN OLD ALABAMA: THE LIFE AND STIRRING TIMES OF JAMES RAPIER, BLACK CONGRESSMAN FROM ALABAMA. Illustrations by Margaret T. Burroughs and Jennie Washington. Museum of African American History, 3806 South Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. 60653. 85 pages. (Feldman is a teacher and the director of research and publications at the Museum. The Museum published earlier the Feldman edited pamphlet Figures in Negro History [1964] and Negro History Educational Bulletin.)
  Franklin, John Hope. FROM SLAVERY TO FREEDOM: A HISGTORY OF NEGRO AMERICANS. New York: Random House. xxii + 696 pages. $2.95


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