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NOMIC POWER. Macrae Smith Co., 225 South 15 St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19102. $4.95. (The title of this book is an attempt at an alternative for "burn, baby, burn." The book is about Rev. Sullivan and his much-publicized Opportunities Industrialization Center in Philadelphia, and a job training center that helps Negroes fight poverty through self-help. Rev. Sullivan also developed the Progress Plaza in Philadelphia. He recently received a $650,000 grant from the Small Business Administration and the Economic Development Administration to train shopping center developers in 13 cities.)

Tindall, George Brown. SOUTH CAROLINA NEGROES 1877-1900. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press. ix + 336 pages. $1.95 (paper). (This is a paperback reprint of a book first published in 1952.)

Turner, Darwin T. (editor). BLACK AMERICAN LITERATURE: 3 VOLS. (1) ESSAYS; (2) FICTION; (3) POETRY. Charles E. Merrill Co., 1300 Alum Creek Drive, Columbus, Ohio 43216. $1.95 each (paper). (These are three anthologies for college and high school use in black literature and other courses. Turner, the editor, is a prolific black writer and critic and dean of the Graduate School at North Carolina A. and T. University, Greensboro. )

Wagstaff, Thomas. BLACK POWER: THE RADICAL RESPONSE TO WHITE AMERICA. Beverly Hills, Calif,: Glencoe Press. 150 pages. $2.25 (paper). (This is a needed reprint of a famous, long out-of-print book of poems which won the Yale University Younger Poets award when it was first published in 1942. It is also reprinted in the Arno Press's second series for the same price. The Negro woman author, now a professor at Jackson State College, Jackson, Miss., also wrote the big, historical novel Jubilee [1966, now also in paperback] which won the $5,000 Houghton Mifflin Literary Fellowship Award.)

Walton, Jr., Hanes. THE NEGRO IN THIRD-PARTY POLITICS. Dorrance and Co., 1809 Callowhill St., Philadelphia, Pa. 124 pages. $4.50. (Dr. Walton is a black associate professor of political science at Savannah State College, Savannah, Ga., and the author of many articles in Negro and white magazines.)

Weinberg, Kenneth G. BLACK VICTORY: CARL STOKES AND THE WINNING OF CLEVELAND. Chicago: Quadrangle Books. 250 pages. $5.95. (This book, written by a white Cleveland lawyer, tells how the Negro Carl Stokes won the 1967 election and became mayor of Cleveland, Ohio. Stokes and Richard G. Hatcher, who was elected mayor of Gary, Ind., also in 1967, are the first Negro mayors of major U.S. cities.)

Weiner, Sandra. IT'S WINGS THAT MAKE BIRDS FLY: THE STORY OF A BOY. New York: Pantheon Books. 57 pages. $3.95. (This book's photographs and text are about a black Harlem ghetto boy Otis, 10 years old. He was killed soon after this book about his hopes and dreams was published.)

Weinstein, Allen and Gatell, Frank Otto (editors). AMERICAN NEGRO SLAVERY: A MODERN READER. New York: Oxford University Press. 368 pages. $2.95 (paper). (This book of readings consists of 22 essays by Negro and white historians on various aspects of Negro slavery in the U.S. All kinds of opinions of Negro slavery are voiced here by white historians--some false, some quite strange. Edited as a textbook for courses in Afro-American studies, it has limited value and is mostly the mixture as before.)