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On a bed in a shack a brown child lies
He tosses in anguish and restlessly sighs
His mother sits by him and helplessly cries
His father is broke, he knows his son dies

He must be in Calcutta, Ceylon or Bombay
No, he's in San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A.

In the land of the free and the home of the brave
He is dying of hunger, he cannot be saved
Come brothers and sisters and weep by his grave

This child is our child, we are all one
La Raza Unida-Let Justice be done.

The Paradox of Cruelty
By Philip P. Hallie

This book confirms a and of Black power because it focuses on the cruelties of the master-slave relationship as it existed in the South-and still poisons our society today

At your bookstore $6.95

Wesleyan University Press
Middletown, Connecticut 06457