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in the advanced countries will need to rely less on our ecologically costly synthetics and more on goods produced from natural products (of) the now developing regions of the world." A nation which has brutalized millions of Asian peasants, oppresses its own minorities, and creates untold waste and pollution in its frenzied search for profits, seems hardly qualified to provide moral leadership to the rest of the world; particularly in matters pertaining to the well-being of humanity.

"The only population control that I see Blacks being interested in is the control of the white population which threatens to use up all of the resources in both the white and non-white worlds." This trenchant passage from the previously cited testimony of Mrs. Naomi Gray, could serve admirably as the Third World's rejoinder to the Western prophets of Doomsday caused by overpopulation.

death in the schools

No discussion of genocide would be complete without mention of the educational destruction being visited upon black children across the nation. As reading and mathematics scores for these youngsters plummet downward, educational authorities continue to explain away poor achievement by enlisting the support of an array of disciplines ranging from the behavorial scientists to the geneticists and pharmacologists. Where subtlety is not a consideration, the educational defenders of white racist supremacy simply (and simple-mindedly) declare that blacks are inherently inferior in intellectual capacity as compared to whites. When it is felt necessary to employ a greater degree of sophistication, new words or terms are coined to fill the need. In rapid succession we have been barraged with terms as, "mixed lateral dominance," "dyslexia," cognitive-perceptual disorders," and the one currently in vogue, "minimal brain dysfunction" which are supposed to be the reasons why little Black Johnnie and Jane are unable to read or think abstractly. Behind a smokescreen of jargon, the educational and medical Establishments have sought to shift the responsibility of teaching from educators into an ill-defined area of medical therapeutics. With reckless abandon and as part of another wish fulfilling prophecy, black youngsters are labeled for life as being beyond the pale of intellectual achievement. 

It is the ambiguity of the term, "minimal brain dysfunction" that has led Dr. Thomas Twitchell of the Department of Neurology at Tufts University School of Medicine to take issue with its use. Reviewing a new book on the subject of minimal brain dysfunction in 


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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-16 16:13:09