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"NIXON DOCTRINE" AND AFRICA                          OBATALA

dered helpless by the unconquerable white wonder boy of the African jungle. Tarzan, of course, symbolizes the dominance of white western power in the non-white world. That the Busia puppet regime in Ghana would allow such brazen insults to African masculinity to be publicly displayed is a testimony to its vicious and treacherous nature.

  The "brainwashing" of African is also carried out by the American government itself which has developed an extensive and comprehensive propaganda apparatus. The main propaganda organ of the American government abroad is the United States Information Service (USIS) which utilizes visual, printed as well as audial media. Its activities in the field of broadcasting have already been discussed. USIS also sponsors lectures which are held weekly in the American Libraries and culture centers that have been established throughout the world. Aside from its broadcasting activities however, the efforts of USIS are concentrated, for the most part, in the field of visual and printed media.

  It is not at all uncommon to pass by the American library or the American culture center in Accra at any time during the day and find crowds of Africans huddled in front of the display window staring silently and intently at blown-up photographs of American astronauts, of popular Afro-American dignitaries in the White House. In the American Culture Center on Rue de 27 Aout 1940 (August 27, 1940 Street) in Duala, Cameroon for example, Africans are confronted upon entry with glossy black and white photos of President Nixon posing with the Afro-American Air Force General, Benjamin O. Davis. Elsewhere in Africa, fascination with the life size cut-outs of Lew Alcindor has been widely reported in the American press. [[/Italic font]][[But what has not been seen or reported]] in the reaction of a single African to photographs showing the squalid conditions in which black slumdwellers live, the bullet riddled bodies of Kent State students or the bloody faces of black and white victims of police brutality. The reason, of course, is that there are no such photographs. For an agency whose declared [[/italic font]][[raison d'etre]] is to tell the truth about America and to counteract the [[/italic font]][[alleged]] lies an accusations of the communist world, the United States Information Service seems to be extremely short of photographs showing the not-so-glossy side of American life. Apologists such as William F. Buckley call it selling America. Others call it brainwashing.

  The United States Information Service distributes reams of equally destructive printed matter One of its more notorious publications is