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appropriate) And surrounded by Greek chorus, as manifested his attitude in a variety of ways but nowhere so obviously, so painfully, and so directly as in HEW. Panetta, step by step, details with the retreat in civil rights and posture of administration, the discomfort of Robert Finch (The Director of HEW) , The relationship between HEW And the Justice Department, and all the nuances of administration that serve to make life miserable for American citizens. It's a depressing book, and could make one lose faith in one's government, but the author does a fair and proper job on the subject matter. maybe this book, as a bed companion for the flu. . . . 

ADAM BY ADAM: The autobiography of Adam Clayton powell, Jr. by Adam C. Powell, Jr. Dial Press, new york. 260 pages. $6.95. 

Presenting Slick Willie. Presenting the premier militant (Before militancy was in order) . Presenting “Livin' high on the hog.” Adam Powell was a lot of things to a lot of people. He was a symbol to some, a rabble-rouser to others, a fraud to a few and target to many. So this is his story. Well. 

Perhaps the main lesson to learn from Adam or his book Is that Living in America can be an occupational hazard for a Black man. No matter what level of fame, fortune, power or ease that one reaches, it can be stopped. Or twisted. Or at least reversed. One must follow the letter of the law at all costs or you will be subject to the law. Even if the law has to be broken to do it. 

This book is another one of Adam's con jobs. There's enough here to be amusing but not enough to be significant. Adam is defensive about his record for the length and depth of the book and it's too bad, because he could have given more insight about the workings of Congress and the personalities involved. Remember that Adam was one of the few Black people who could have given Black viewpoint of the working relationships between the Presidents and the “Hill,” but he didn't. He has a few minor recommendations, but nothing to do with key issues such as legislative reform in Congress, or comments on the Seniority System or the theories of representation. But buy the book. Buy it out of nostalgia, or amusement, or concern, or paying dues. An old Warrior is leaving the arena; everybody stand to attention. 

R. J. Meaddough

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-17 19:12:02