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other minorities, the most exploited white workers.  Priority spending for equalization in housing, education, transportation, health care, child care, and other services to the oppressed peoples; $60 billion of the $120 billion to be earmarked for Black, Chicano, Puerto Rican, Indian and Asian peoples.

to assure full and equal rights for black labor

Government provision of jobs to all lacking work and of working age, with priority of employment for Black and other minority workers.  Pay unemployment benefits at regular wages for the full duration of unemployment.

Government operation of all plants shut down by private industry.  Nationalize munitions industries and establishments of companies that move away to low-wage areas here or abroad, or that fail to promptly fulfill equal employment requirement or that seriously reduce employment levels.  Revive employment and expand activities of nationalized industries, producing goods needed by the peoples here and abroad.

Raise minimum wages to $5 per hour, needed to meet the government specified "intermediate" living standard for a family of four.  This minimum is to apply to all workers, including domestic workers and farm laborers.

Require all companies to employ Black and other minority workers at least in proportion to their numbers in the area's population at each of their enterprises, and at each level-production, craft, clerical, professional and managerial-including the highest executive levels.  The companies must pay the costs of any training or relocation they consider necessary, and the required equality of employment must be achieved within a year's time.

We call for programs within the trade unions for black workers on terms of equality and to assure representation of Black workers and leadership at all levels of union leadership to support the struggles for full equality for Black working people; to satisfy eco-nomic needs of all oppressed and poor people.

Provide a guaranteed annual income of $6,500 for a family of four with corresponding annual minimum incomes for families of different size and for single individuals.  End all "means tests," all humiliating red tape.  Outlaw welfare fascism-the attempts to force mothers to act as police informers, the slave-labor regulations for welfare recipients.  Increase that $6,500 as living costs and the scale of living requirements increase.



Eliminate taxation of family incomes under $15,000 per year.

Eliminate regional differentials throughout the United States, by raising wages in low-wage areas to the highest levels paid substantial numbers of workers in a given trade and industry.

End all discriminatory practices against small business and give access to guaranteed credit and interest free loans.

Provide $15 billion per year in interest-free credits for famers, with access to necessary land, structures, equipment, and livestock.

Build several million top quality public housing units per year at rents not to exceed 10% of family income, with priority occupancy to Blacks and other minorities and then to poor white workers.  The housing is to be located conveniently for access to jobs, and corresponding community facilities are to be built.  A universal system of 10ยข fares.  The public housing is to be placed in cities and suburbs, with the aim of ending all-white suburban enclaves and rebuilding the ghettos.

Provide free universal medical care to all working people.  Nationalize medicine and take the profits out of health care.  Establish the facilities and train all the professional people needed to realize this goal.  Raise the proportion of Black doctors and dentists at least to their proportion in the population.  Provide large federal sums for special research and treatment of medical problems which particularly afflict the Black community, such as sickle cell anemia.

to ban racism and severely penalize it

Outlaw racism, advocacy of the doctrine of white superiority, all racist expressions and deeds and all attempts to inflame racial hatred or conflict.  Outlaw all discrimination in employment, housing, membership organizations, education, voting, and every other phase of life.

Declare all racist propaganda and actions as felonies, punishable by severe terms of imprisonment as well as by fines.  Catch, try, and penalize public officials as well as private citizens guilty of racist violations of existing civil rights and anti-discrimination laws, as well as for violations of the more far-reaching legislation we call for.

Officials responsible for enforcement of anti-racist laws shall be removed from office, and made liable to possible criminal action, if they fail to enforce these laws, or enforce them one-sidedly without providing relief to the Black and other oppressed peoples.

Democratize government institutions at all levels.  Prohibit bureaucratic red-tape and inaccessibility.  Provide ready access of the people


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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-16 15:41:04