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Associate Editors
John Clarke
Ernest Kaiser
J.H. O'Dell

Managing Editor
Esther Jackson

Art Editor
John Devine

Contributing Editors
Keith E. Baird
Jean Carey Bond
Brumsic Brandon, Jr.
Margaret G. Burroughs
James E. Campbell
Ruby Dee
Edmund W. Gordon
Shirley Graham
Loyle Hairston
George B. Murphy, Jr.
Augusta Strong

Vol. 12, No. 3, 1972 (Third Quarter)

Single copies of the issue, $1.25

Freedomways is published quarterly by Freedomways Associates, Inc., at 799 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 10003. Subscription rates: $4.50 a year, $6.00 abroad. Copyright 1972 by Freedomways Associates, Inc. Second class postage paid at New York, N. Y.

All issues of Freedomways are indexed in Index to Periodical Articles by and about Negroes, published annually by G. K. Hall & Co., Boston. Also Black Information Index, Box 322, Herndon, Va, 22070

All Articles appearing in Freedomways concerned with education are indexed in Current Index to Journals in Education published by CCM Information Corporation, New York City.

Bound copies of Freedomways, Vol. 1-8 (1961-1968), are available from Kraus Reprint Co., 16 East 46 Street, New York 10017. Vol. 9 to present and some issues of previous years, available from Freedomways.

All issues of Freedomways may be obtained on microfilm from University Microfilms Inc.,300 North Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, Mich. 48106


Third Quarter 


Among Our Contributors -------------------------------------------------------- 180

Editorial --------------------------------------------------------------------- 181
Window to the World

The National Liberation Struggle in Mozambique: A Process of Transformation --- 183
Armondo Panguene

Guinea-Bissau's Liberation Struggle Against Portuguese Colonialism ------------ 189
Cruz Pinto

Kwame Nkrumah: African Liberator ---------------------------------------------- 197
Shirley Graham Du Bois

Afro-Asian Writers' Movement in its 15th Year --------------------------------- 197
Akram Aminov

Poetry from Vietnam ----------------------------------------------------------- 217

Bangladesh: Another Victory Over Colonialism ---------------------------------- 222
Mary Terrell

Internationalism and Social Consciousness in the Black Community -------------- 230
Robert Rhodes

Transcription Notes:
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