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For this presidential election as no other election has been since the end of the Second World War, is a referendum on the future of the U.S. Empire. It is also a referendum on the mounting cost to the U.S. taxpayer for maintaining this Frankenstein. 

An administration which has dropped three and a half million tons of bombs on the Vietnamese people since it came to power in 1968 is asking for another four-year term. This is more bombing than took place in all of World War Two and the sheer barbarity of the policy has made of the United Sates an outlaw in the international community.

An administration which has locked into jails thousands of anti-war demonstrators who were exercising their constitutional rights and an administration that has initiated a dozen frame-up trials including Angela Davis, the Berrigan Brothers, the Vietnam Veterans Agains the War, is asking to be voted another four-year term.

Both the Republican Party convention and the Nixon-Agnew campaign have been a carefully acted-out scenario. It is designed to enable a well-organized, well-financed and extensive police and military bureaucracy to complete the process of taking over the country by electoral means. This is certainly one way of "managing" the profound social crisis which the capitalist system has produced in our country and it is a process which perhaps began its opening chapter with the incident at Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963.

The mass appeal which is being attempted by the Nixon-Agnew administration is based primarily on racism and "Great American" national chauvinism, two seriously deep-seated defects in the "American national character" as it has developed among the white population elected as a quasi-fascist government whose repressive character has been clearly demonstrated. 

The elections this year offer an opportunity to undo some of damage of the last four years. That requires casting an intelligent vote for the resumption of civilized progress in our country. In our judgment, the focus of that act of citizenship is the summary dismissal of Milhous and his partner from the White House. 

The Editors




The STRUGGLE for the national liberation of Mozambique is essentially a search fr freedom for all people. 

National independence is a moment of triumph of the action of liberation against oppression - a triumph of a new historical category, the Nation, against the colonial system, and surpassing the tribe. Active engagement as a way to national liberation is a result of a long process of resistance against oppression, a process during which, one by one, all attempts to realize the aspirations of the people through harmonious evolution failed. 

The conflict which opposes all the groups or social strata of the oppressed Mozambican people to the Portuguese colonial administration cannot be resolved in a harmonious manner. The contradiction is, in essence, antagonistic.

national liberation struggle and the people's war

1. The Foundation of Option.
The national liberation struggle assumes different forms which are determined by the economic and social reality of the oppressed and oppressing countries.

Portugal is an underdeveloped country, primarily agricultural; the industry is principally light industry, and heavy industry is nil.

The regime is a fascist regime which prevents the development of a political and cultural life. Democratic institutions-political, professional and cultural-are forbidden.

Mozambique, in its turn, is an underdeveloped country, also agricultural, under the domination of a colonial-fascism with a white

Armondo Panguene is a representative of the Liberation Movement of Mozambique (FRELIMO).