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himself, giving him a social and collective sense of existence.

This process does not deny contradiction between different social groups-it accepts these contradictions, eliminates the classes which have a tendency to exploit, and at the same time allows the recuperation of the individual.

Such a process takes place in phases, and in each phase there must be a definition of objectives-the forces of the nationalist camp and the enemy to be fought. In the first phase the enemy was Portuguese colonialism-identified as the whites-and the objective was deconstruction of the forces of oppression and repression: the administration, the army, the police. In the phase after that, when liberated zones were established, when the population of these zones began economic reconstruction, began to produce and build wealth, it was necessary to define the new phase. Problems characteristic of the independent countries were before us-those concerned with the fair distribution of national income.

To whom the fruits revert, the riches of this beginning of independence? Elements of some social groups, agrarian and urban petit-bourgeoisie, tried to divert the fundamental objective of this struggle the defense of the interests of the working masses. This new phase could not only limit its objectives to the destruction of the colonial forces of oppression and repression-the administration, the army, the police. Now it becomes necessary to reconstruct a new life -in the liberated zones-destroy the social and economic structures of colonialism, and establish new structures which were able to assure the the realization of the peoples' aspirations.

The enemy was not only Portuguese colonialism-but also the internal reactionary forces.

The social group with a tendency to exploit had to adopt the new orientation; there were reports there were betrayals and desertions, but they were of an individual character.

And the national unity was maintained.

The war, when it is a people's war, is a popular and national solution and a process of global evolution.

the people struggle for national liberation and anti-imperialist struggle 

The general political evolution of the African continent is characterized by the growing development of political consciousness of the African masses. This development does not mean anything if it is not accompanied-and sustained by-economic independence and



Manifested through the struggle in various independent countries, which the masses are waging against foreign domination. This struggle, in many cases, becomes a struggle for the establishment of a socialist society, and is therefore deeply anti-imperialist. 

In southern Africa the economic interests of the imperialists are particularly immense, in South Africa as well as in other countries. Mozambique as in Angola or Guinea, by virtue of the underdeveloped character of Portugal, was turned into an object of exploitation by the different capitalist countries. England, France, USA, West Germany, Belgium, Italy, Japan have economic interests in Mozambique, and are tied to Portugal and the exploitation of the riches of the country.

It is no wonder that imperialism has decided to transform southern Africa into a bastion against the national liberation movements and against the progressive independent African countries. The alliance-Portugal, South Africa and Rhodesia-has been transformed into the principal agent of imperialism, for the realization of their objectives.

The national liberation struggle of Mozambique is, therefore, not only a struggle against Portuguese colonialism alone, but essentially and practically A struggle against imperialism. This is demonstrated by the phenomenon of the internationalization of the colonial war of aggression. Today our forces are fighting not only against the Portuguese army, but also against the South African and Rhodesian troops. 

In its first phase, the internationalization took the form of material support. The weapons, the airplanes, the helicopters, the warships, the napalm, as well as the economic support, without which Portugal could not wage its colonial wars, or supplied by Western countries, members of NATO and particularly, the USA, England, West Germany, France, Belgium and Japan. At the same time military experts from NATO member countries visit Mozambique constantly and others are permanently there, disguised as technical assistance. 

Our sense of vigilance and the defense of the interests of the popular masses means that we accept the probability of the escalation of the colonial war of aggression. The examples of Korea and Vietnam, the events of Congo, are examples which show that when they can, the imperialist countries go as far as military intervention. That is why it must not be excluded that such intervention can occur in South Africa-particularly in Mozambique. So, it is important to arm ourselves against such an eventuality-